D3M Association in partnership wih the „Ion Ghica Estate in Ghergani” Association are inviting you to a three-day ongoing art event on June 4-6 2021 for a contemporary art celebration called Exploring | Art and Nature.

The event is to be held at the Ghica Estate in Ghergani (40 km away from București, on the way to Târgoviște), and is part of the recurring European project initiated 18 years ago by the French Ministry of Culture called Rendez-vous aux Jardins, an open-air event that invites visitors into public or private gardens all over Europe. For its first participation in this project, the Ghica Estate  has a site-specific proposal: art installations and sculptures in the park. The exhibits will be shown in the vast green open space that surrounds the mansion which is being restored but also indoors, within the building where the restoration work has been temporarily stopped.
Exploring | Art and Nature
Romania’s historic heritage is becoming more and more visible within the national and international cultural scene. Estates which used to be country residences of the elite are gradually becoming accessible to the general public – be it urban or rural – fulfilling their cultural aspirations.

The „Ghica Estate in Ghergani” Association, who has a vision for this exceptional location and accepts an adequate responsibility to develop and promote it, considering the symbolic importance of the estate for Romania’s culture and history, has invited, on this special occasion, a group of young artists from Bucharest to stage a visual art event as part of the European project Rendez-Vous au Jardins initiated by France.
It is meant to enable local and outside visitors in different European countries to discover public and private gardens through an aesthetic experience.
Exploring | Art and Nature is the title of this artistic intervention: Land Art or the insertion of Art in a natural, lush environment on the Ghica Estate in Ghergani.

On this occasion, artistic creation meets the architectural monument, the natural vegetation surrounding it, and the public. The fascinating contrast and dialogue between nature and man-made artefacts is highlighting the mutual interaction between man’s intervention and nature, generating a new energy and a creative impulse which have to be interiorized and cultivated with caution and care.

Caution in the way we act and care for the legacy we leave on to posterity are crucial concerns nowadays.
Artistic interventions within natural and every day environment should be more cautious than ever. Responsibility is the key to a better future. Nature provides all the necessary tools that enable us to become creative but the reckless use of natural resources can prove harmful for both nature and mankind.
We believe that art can play a tremendous part in this approach: make us more accountable for the historic legacy and heritage we leave behind, but for the natural environment too.

Urban parks, common greens and gardens are all an homage we pay to nature.
Throughout these three days we pay tribute to the tree, an ancient symbol of life and the world. We endeavor to grow it the best we can but no matter how hard we try to control its vegetative shape, chance is constantly part of the process. In spite of all our efforts to lead its branches along a given layout, they will always grow towards unforeseen directions that are beyond our control. Hazard, directed by original patterns, challenges us to reinvent, recreate and re-contextualize well-known situations and forms.
The vegetal-like transformation of our culture needs the diversity and effervescence of nourishment that can only be provided by the whole of mankind.
You are kindly invited to discover the botanic landscape of the Ghica Estate in Ghergani which will be nourished by the works and interventions of several Romanian visual artists whose names follow:
Mihai BALKO, Liliana BASARAB, Zoltan BELA, Răzvan BOAR, Anca BOERIU, Eduard BĂLAȘ, Cătălin BURCEA, Alin CARPEN, Sergiu CHIHAIA, Sorin Dan COJOCARU, Antonia CORDUNEANU, Constantin DOCAN, Radu DUMITRU, Iulian CRISTEA, Raluca Ilaria DEMETRESCU, Dumitru GURJII, Lucia GHEGU, Teodora GAVRILĂ, Cristian Emil GHIȚĂ, Horațiu LIPOT, IRLO, Benny JACKSON, Paul Baraka MARAT, Lucian Sandu-MILEA, Mircea MODREANU, Răzvan NĂSTASE, Dragoș NEAGOE, Răzvan NEAGOE, Marian NISTOR , Robert OBERT, Maria-Livia ONETE, Radu PANDELE, Radu PANAIT, Beniamin POPESCU, Ioana POPESCU, Miruna RADOVICI, Pastila ROZ, Justinian SCĂRLĂTESCU, Ilina SCHILERU, Pulsar SINAPS, Ioana STANCA, Loredana STANCU, Ovidiu TOADER, Ana Cristina TOMA, Ruxandra TUDORAN, Andrei TUDORAN, Mihai ZGONDOIU, Ionuț ZEVIDEANU.

E T A J, the artist-run space, under D3M Association’s logo, and the Ghica Estate would like to invite you to the following events:
Friday, June 4
14:00-16:00 _ art WORKSHOP for children
14:00 – 20:00 – Open to the general public
Saturday, June 5
14:00-16:00 _ Monotype and Linotype WORKSHOP 
17:00 – Opening of the exhibition
19:00 _ Performance Raluca Ilaria Demetrescu ”I’m giving you a diploma, what do I get for it?”
17:00 – 22:00 Visit of the exhibition
Open to the general public: 10:00 – 22:00
Sunday, June 6
10:00-19:00 – Exhibition open to the public
*** Part of the exhibition will stay open to the general public for a month after the vernissage, until July 4.

Organizers: „ETAJ”, An artist-run space under the aegis of Asociatia D3M and Asociatia Domeniul Ghica Ghergani.
Partners: Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Czech Centre, British Council, The French Institute of Bucharest, Aqua Carpatica, Licorna Winehouse, UNICAT, ALERT studio Artist-run Space, Atelier 030202, Diptych Art Space, MNȚRplusC, Galateca, E T A J Magazine, E T A J  TV, E T A J on wheels, Samizdat, Asociația pentru Creativitate.

Media Partners: ArteVezi, Propagarta, Radio România Cultural, RFI, Agenția de Carte, Biz, Kreatoria.ro, Nevăzuții.

The project is realized through the efforts and contributions of artists Dumitru Gurjii, Ilina Schileru, Mircea Modreanu, President of the „Ghica Estate in Ghergani” Association, Irina Bossy Ghica, and invited artists.